People have been replacing the drafty old windows in their homes for over fifty years. Several methods and technologies have come and gone over those years. Overall though, the products themselves have improved tremendously. When vinyl replacement windows first came on the market you wouldn’t have wanted to touch them with a ten foot pole. The frames were simply screwed together and the vinyl would fade, chalk, and warp at the sight of the sun. Most of these products had to be replaced themselves in a few short years.
Today, all of that has changed with the advent of fusion welding and polyvinyl resins that are highly successful at resisting fading, warping, and chalking. What hasn’t changed for a lot of companies is the aesthetics of their product and the manner in which the windows are installed. Their windows are bulky looking and when installed they definitely yell “I’M A REPLACEMENT WINDOW!”
I agree with Jim Cory, editor of Replacement Contractor Magazine,when he says, “If the job’s done well, it should look as if the windows were never replaced at all. Ultimately, the homeowner gets the best of all possible worlds: the comfort and energy-saving of modern replacement windows, smoothly integrated into the architectural look and feel of the home. And, as with any project that’s complex and requires investment, you’re best bet is to entrust it to those who specialize.”
Unfortunately, too many window salesman go for the quick sale and don’t give the customer a true picture of how their new windows will look. Even if they do, they leave the customer feeling like it was the only choice in order to have “energy efficient” windows.
Thankfully, there are several manufacturers that truly do make areplacement window that combines the beauty of wood with the efficiency, low maintenance, and afford ability of vinyl. This is only half of the equation, though. You can have the greatest looking window, but if it isn’t measured and installed correctly it will defeat the purpose.
Look for a company that will address these concerns during the sales process and you will be glad you did!